ChallengeDCA with Direcció General d'Infraestructes de Mobilitat (DGIM)
About this process
The 1st edition of the ChallengeDCA focuses on finding innovative solutions to consolidate quality, secure and digitized infrastructures at the service of society, with the help of the General Directorate of Mobility Infrastructures of the Generalitat de Catalunya (DGIM). The DGIM is the body that oversees the planning, design and construction of road and rail infrastructure, road transport and active mobility. They manage, modernize and maintain the Generalitat's road network.
Who can participate?
- Members of all DCA communities
- Consortia of companies, startups and SMEs, as long as they include at least one member of the alliance (DCA).
Present your innovative solutions and promote the digital transformation of the territory!
- Award for the best solution: €15,000 + Conducting a pilot test with the General Directorate of Mobility Infrastructures
- Second prize: €3,000
- Third prize: €2,000
What should I submit to participate?
In order to participate, a presentation must be prepared (in slide and PDF format) . The fundamental aspects of the proposal (technical aspects, usability, implementation, budget, etc.) as well as the explanation of how the proposal answers the call must be clearly stated in this document. Optionally, participants can add other points of value that they consider appropriate for the correct evaluation of the jury.
Evaluation criteria:
From all the eligible solutions, the members of the jury will select 10 finalists who will present their solution at the final event of the competition. The criteria for evaluating the solutions by the jury is the following:
- Degree of adaptability to the proposed call.
- Degree of innovation and creativity of the solution.
- Degree of technical, economic and operational viability.
Challenge 3. Account for the carbon emissions generated by the DGIM in its activity
Challenge 5. Implementation and management of variable horizontal signage to optimize road capacity
Consult all the details in the rules of the competition
For any query about participation in the ChallengeDCA, send an email to and we will contact you as soon as possible.